New Children
2-1-2018 Last week Child Protection Services of Burkina Faso brought some children to the orphanage. It concerns a twin (boy & girl) of four months old of which the mother has recently died and the father is unknown. Besides those two children, a girl from the village of seven months old was brought in. The mother of the girl has also died and the circumstances of the father make it impossible for him to raise the baby. Foundation The Mangotree is happy to be able to take care of these children in this difficult time.
1-26-2018 The area around the sleeping location of the children has been barren so far. Recently we planted dozens of trees and bushes around this building. In this way we hope to create a cool place were the children can rest. As usual the chilren enjoyed helping us!
Water bassins
1-8-2018 Recently four big waterbasins equipped with waterpiping were placed at the site of the orphanage. In this way the children are able to water the plants in the gardens during the dry season.
Hanky putting
March 21, 2016 - Who of you has not heard of the world famous child play 'Hanky putting' (also known as 'Duck, Duck, Goose')? Well, even the children of Burkina Faso play it. But they don't really use a 'hanky' (a handkerchief). Is that any less fun? Judge for yourself...
Christmas wishes
December 24, 2015 - The orphanage too offers children a Christmas celebration. They even made a Christmas stable with the limited means that are available. The children have asked us to wish all of you a blessed Christmas! <br>It is our desire that the hope we received because Jesus came to this earth, will also mean there is hope for the children's future!
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